- Number Sense (10)
- Multiplication (196)
Times Tables
- Multiplication Properties (76)
Multiply By Multiples Of 10
- Multi-Digit Multiplication (110)
- Division (142)
- Fractions (387)
Fractions Using Models
Fractions On A Number Line
Compare Fractions
Order Fractions
Equivalent Fractions
Improper Fractions As Mixed Numbers
- Fractions Operations (254)
- Decimals (1,702)
- Read And Write Decimals (73)
- Compare Decimals (31)
Order Decimals
- Round Decimals (40)
Round Decimals To The Nearest Whole
Round Decimals To The Nearest Tenths
Round Decimals To The Nearest Hundredths
- Decimal Operations (1,542)
- Geometry (56)
- Measurement (34)
- Money (11)
- Algebra (59)
- Word Problems (214)
- Reading (102)
- Writing (334)
- Handwriting (263)
Creative Writing
Descriptive Writing
Narrative Writing
Writing Paragraphs
- Grammar (118)
- Spelling (5)
- Vocabulary (56)
All Worksheets
Add or Subtract Decimal Numbers with 1 Decimal Place: Shopping Word Problems Worksheet
Engaging worksheet for practicing addition and subtraction of 1-decimal place numbers with a shopping theme.
Cursive Writing: Letter W Words
Widen knowledge of letter W words in cursive with our exciting worksheet, ideal for enhancing handwriting skills.
Product of 3-Digit Number by 2-Digit Number Worksheet
Reinforce math concepts by practicing to find the product of 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers.
Balance the Fraction Addition Worksheet
Practice and enhance your skills on adding like fractions and balancing equations with this interactive worksheet.
Add or Subtract Decimal Numbers with 1 Decimal Place: Travel Word Problems Worksheet
Travel-themed worksheet to enhance students' skills in adding or subtracting decimal numbers.
Cursive Writing: Letter Y Words
Enhance your handwriting by writing letter Y words in cursive using our fun worksheet, perfect for expanding vocabulary.
Multiply Multi-Digit Numbers Without Regrouping Worksheet
Focus on core math skills by solving to multiply multi-digit numbers without regrouping.
Find the Sum of Like Fractions Worksheet
This worksheet provides practice problems for learning to add like fractions and calculate their sum.
Add or Subtract Decimal Numbers with 1 Decimal Place: Cooking Word Problems Worksheet
Engaging worksheet to practice adding and subtracting 1 decimal place numbers with a cooking theme.
Writing in Cursive: Silent B Words
Practice writing silent B words in cursive with our fun worksheet, a unique way to enhance spelling and handwriting skills.
Regrouping in 3-Digit by 2-Digit Multiplication Worksheet
Solidify your math skills by practicing regrouping in 3-digit by 2-digit multiplication.
Sum of Like Fractions in Simplest Form Worksheet
This worksheet provides exercises on adding like fractions and expressing the sum in its simplest form.
Add or Subtract Decimal Numbers with 1 Decimal Place: Winter Word Problems Worksheet
Winter-themed worksheet for students to solve word problems using decimal addition and subtraction.
Writing in Cursive: Silent G Words
Grasp silent G words and practice writing in cursive with our fun worksheet, perfect for improving spelling and handwriting.
Multiply Multi-Digit Numbers With Regrouping Worksheet
Pack your math practice time with fun by multiplying multi-digit numbers with regrouping.
Unlike Fraction Addition Worksheet
Assess your math skills by adding unlike fractions in this worksheet.
Multiplication and Division by Powers of 10 Worksheet
Pack your math practice time with fun by practicing multiplication and division by powers of 10.
Writing in Cursive: Silent K Words
Explore silent K words and practice writing in cursive with our innovative worksheet, enhancing both spelling and cursive skills.
Product of Multi-Digit Numbers With Regrouping Worksheet
Print this worksheet to find the product of multi-digit numbers with regrouping.
Addition of Unlike Fractions Worksheet
Be on your way to become a mathematician by practicing addition of unlike fractions.
Observing Patterns with Powers of 10 Worksheet
Learners must observe patterns with powers of 10 to enhance their math skills.
Writing in Cursive: Silent L Words
Master writing silent L words in cursive with our engaging worksheet, a unique approach to advanced handwriting practice.
Solve Word Problems on Multiplication Worksheet
In this worksheet, learners will get to solve word problems on multiplication.
Sum of Unlike Fractions Worksheet
Solidify your math skills by practicing to find the sum of unlike fractions.
Estimate Product and Quotient of Decimal Numbers Worksheet
Learn decimals at the speed of lightning by estimating the product and quotient of decimal numbers.
Cursive Writing: Silent H Words
Uncover silent H words and practice writing in cursive with our engaging worksheet, perfect for honing spelling and handwriting.
Apply Multiplication in Everyday Life Worksheet
Print this worksheet to practice applying multiplication in everyday life like a math legend!
Add Unlike Fractions and Match the Sum Worksheet
Strengthen your fraction addition skills with this worksheet on adding unlike fractions and matching the sum.
Identify the Correct Operation Worksheet
This downloadable worksheet is designed to help you identify the correct operation.
Cursive Writing: Letter A Adjectives
Delve into writing letter A adjectives in cursive with our engaging worksheet, ideal for expanding descriptive vocabulary.
Multiply 3-Digit and 2-Digit Numbers: Horizontal Multiplication Worksheet
Reinforce math concepts by practicing to multiply 3-digit and 2-digit numbers.
Dice Game on Adding Unlike Fractions Worksheet
Engaging worksheet on mastering the skill of adding unlike fractions through a fun dice game.
Decimal Word Problems on Multiplication & Division Worksheet
Use this printable worksheet to solve decimal word problems on multiplication & division.
Cursive Writing: Letter B Adjectives
Broaden your knowledge of adjectives with our letter B words cursive handwriting practice worksheet for fun and learning.
Multiply 3-Digit and 2-Digit Numbers: Vertical Multiplication Worksheet
Print this worksheet to practice multiplying 3-digit and 2-digit numbers.
Find the Sum of Unlike Fractions Worksheet
This worksheet enhances students' skills in finding the sum of unlike fractions.
Word Problems on Decimal Multiplication & Division Worksheet
Focus on core math skills by solving word problems on decimal multiplication & division.
Cursive Writing: Letter C Adjectives
Conquer letter C adjectives and practice writing in cursive with our fun worksheet, perfect for enhancing handwriting skills.
Multiply 3-Digit and 2-Digit Numbers: Vertical Timed Practice Worksheet
Boost your speed in multiplying 3-digit and 2-digit numbers with this timed practice worksheet!
Puzzle on Adding Unlike Fractions Worksheet
This worksheet features engaging puzzles to master adding unlike fractions skillfully.
Add and Subtract Decimals: Vertical Worksheet
Boost your ability to add and subtract decimals by printing this playful worksheet.
Cursive Writing: Letter D Adjectives
Discover letter D adjectives and write in cursive with our fun worksheet, a dynamic way to boost vocabulary and handwriting.
Multiply 3-Digit and 2-Digit Numbers: Horizontal Timed Practice Worksheet
Accelerate your math skills with this timed worksheet on multiplying 3-digit and 2-digit numbers!
Solving Addition of Unlike Fractions Worksheet
An engaging worksheet to master the skill of adding unlike fractions effectively.
Add and Subtract Decimals: Horizontal Worksheet
Dive into this fun-filled printable worksheet by practicing to add and subtract decimals.
Cursive Writing: Letter E Adjectives
Elevate your handwriting by writing letter E adjectives in cursive using our awesome worksheet, enhancing language skills.
Multiply 3-digit Numbers and 2-digit Numbers: Summer Word Problems Worksheet
Summer-themed worksheet for solving word problems involving 3-digit and 2-digit multiplication.
Sum of Unlike Fractions in the Standard Form Worksheet
A worksheet dedicated to practicing the addition of unlike fractions and expressing the answers in standard form.