- Number Sense (176)
- Number Recognition (30)
- Number Tracing (20)
Number Sequence
- Counting (110)
- Compare Numbers (17)
Order Numbers
- Place Value (2)
- Addition (122)
- Subtraction (66)
- Geometry (43)
- Data Handling (9)
- Measurement (13)
- Word Problems (27)
- Reading (1,035)
- Phonics (1,035)
- Alphabet (144)
- Letter Recognition (144)
Letter A
Letter B
Letter C
Letter D
Letter E
Letter F
Letter G
Letter H
Letter I
Letter J
Letter K
Letter L
Letter M
Letter N
Letter O
Letter P
Letter Q
Letter R
Letter S
Letter T
Letter U
Letter V
Letter W
Letter X
Letter Y
Letter Z
Lowercase Letters
Uppercase Letters
Matching Lowercase And Uppercase Letters
Letter Sounds
- Vowels (81)
- Blending (358)
- Consonant Digraphs (8)
Double Consonants
Rhyming Words
- Sight Words (395)
- Writing (46)
- Handwriting (46)
- Letter Tracing (46)
Letter Tracing A
Letter Tracing B
Letter Tracing C
Letter Tracing D
Letter Tracing E
Letter Tracing F
Letter Tracing G
Letter Tracing H
Letter Tracing I
Letter Tracing J
Letter Tracing K
Letter Tracing L
Letter Tracing M
Letter Tracing N
Letter Tracing O
Letter Tracing P
Letter Tracing Q
Letter Tracing R
Letter Tracing S
Letter Tracing T
Letter Tracing U
Letter Tracing V
Letter Tracing W
Letter Tracing X
Letter Tracing Y
Letter Tracing Z
Number Sense Games
View all 176 games-
Counting Backwards
Count back and Complete the Sequence Game
Practice the superpower of number sense by learning how to count back and complete the sequence.
Number Sequence
Count Along with the Stars from 1 to 5 Game
Count along with the stars from 1 to 5 with this number sense game.
Number Tracing
Trace the Number One Game
Sharpen your number skills by tracing the number one.
Number Recognition
Count Along with the Stars from 1 to 3 Game
Shine bright in the maths world by counting along with the stars from 1 to 3.
Addition Games
View all 122 games-
Add With Pictures
Count to Find One More Game
Begin the exciting journey of becoming a maths wizard by learning to count to find one more.
Add With Pictures
Model to Add Numbers Game
Dive deep into the world of maths by modeling to add numbers.
Addition Strategies
Add and Match Game
Take a look at how to add and match with this addition game.
Add Three Whole Numbers
Compose Numbers to make 10 Game
Begin the exciting journey of becoming a maths wizard by learning how to compose numbers to make 10.
Subtraction Games
View all 66 games-
Subtraction Strategies
Subtract and Match Game
Shine bright in the maths world by learning how to subtract and match.
Subtraction Strategies
Complete the Subtraction Sentence Game
Ask your little one to complete the subtraction sentence to play this game.
Subtract With Pictures
Remove and Match the Number Game
Enjoy the marvel of maths-multiverse by exploring how to remove and match the number.
Subtract With Pictures
Take Away to Match the Number Game
Apply your knowledge of subtraction to take away to match the number.
Geometry Games
View all 43 games-
Sort Flat and Solid Shapes Game
Learn to solve maths problems by sorting flat and solid shapes.
Positional Words
Counting Objects Above and Below Game
Begin the exciting journey of becoming a maths wizard by counting objects 'above' and 'below'.
Positional Words
Identify Objects Above and Below Game
Learn to solve problems by identifying objects 'above' and 'below'.
Sort Real-World Shapes Game
Add more arrows to your child’s maths quiver by sorting real-world shapes.
Data Handling Games
View all 9 games-
Sorting Objects
Sort Objects by Color Game
Dive deep into the world of measurement by sorting objects by color.
Sorting Objects
Identify Objects by Color Game
Sharpen your skills by identifying objects by their colors.
Sorting Objects
Identify Objects by their Name Game
Take a deep dive into the world of maths by identifying objects by their names.
Sorting Objects
Sort Objects by their Name Game
Have your own maths-themed party by learning how to sort objects by their name.
Measurement Games
View all 13 games-
Select the Right Unit Game
Learn to solve maths problems by selecting the right unit.
Identify the Object with Shorter Height Game
Shine bright in the maths world by learning how to identify the object with the shorter height.
Identify the Object with Shorter Length Game
Use your measurement skills to identify the object with the shorter length.
Identify the Heavier Object Game
Shine bright in the maths world by learning how to identify the heavier object.
Word Problems Games
View all 27 games-
Addition Word Problems
Solve 'Add To' Scenarios Game
Add more arrows to your child’s maths quiver by solving 'Add To' scenarios.
Subtraction Word Problems
Solve Subtraction Scenarios Game
Apply your knowledge to solve subtraction scenarios.
Subtraction Word Problems
Solve 'Take Apart' Scenarios Game
Take the pressure off by simplifying subtraction by solving 'Take Apart' scenarios.
Addition Word Problems
Solve 'Put Together' Scenarios Game
Shine bright in the maths world by learning how to solve 'Put Together' scenarios.
All Maths Games
Number Sense
Quickly Tell the Number of Things up to 10 Game
Have your own maths-themed party by learning how to quickly tell the number of things up to 10.
Add Two Numbers (Up to 5) Game
Ask your little one to add two numbers (Up to 5) to play this game.
Data Handling
Read the Data Game
Begin the exciting journey of becoming a maths wizard by learning how to read data.
Number Sense
Identify Embedded Numbers Game
Help your child take flight by learning how to identify embedded numbers.
Finding Sum (Up to 10) Game
Dive deep into the world of addition by finding the sum (up to 10).
Solve Subtraction Sentences Game
Enjoy the marvel of maths-multiverse by exploring how to solve subtraction sentences.
Data Handling
Compare the Data Game
Take the first step towards building your maths castle by practicing how to compare data.
Number Sense
Identify and Match the Pattern Game
Use your counting skills to identify and match the pattern.
Choose the Correct Expression Game
Have your own maths-themed party by learning how to choose the correct expression.
Place Objects on Different Positions Game
Take a deep dive into the world of maths by placing objects on different positions.
Identify Which Object is Longer Game
Kids must identify which object is longer to practice measurement.
Subtract Two Numbers (Up to 5) Game
Take a deep dive into the world of maths by subtracting two numbers (up to 5).
Identify Position of Object Game
Kids must identify the position of the object to play this game.
Align and Compare Lengths Game
Enjoy the marvel of maths-multiverse by exploring how to align and compare lengths.
Solve 'Add To' Word Problems Game
Unearth the wisdom of mathematics by learning how to solve 'Add To' word problems.
Subtract Within 5 Game
Practice the superpower of subtraction by learning how to subtract within 5.
Identify the Object Next To Game
Help your child master geometry with this 'Identify the Object Next To' game.
Equal Lengths Game
Practice the concept of equal lengths with your little one through this game.
Number Sense
Connect the Number Stars from 1 to 5 Game
Enjoy the marvel of mathematics by connecting the number stars from 1 to 5.
Solve 'Put Together' Word Problems Game
Let your child see the world through maths-colored shades by solving 'Put Together' word problems!
Finding the Difference (within 10) Game
Ask your little one to find the difference (within 10) to play this game.
Identify the Longest and Shortest Object Game
Dive deep into the world of measurement by identifying the longest and the shortest object.
Number Sense
Connect the Number Stars from 1 to 3 Game
Kids must connect the number stars from 1 to 3 to practice number sense.
Identify the Addition Sentence Game
Enjoy the marvel of maths-multiverse by identifying the addition sentence.
Subtract the Numbers (within 10) Game
Unearth the wisdom of mathematics by learning how to subtract numbers (within 10).
Data Handling
Sort Objects by Size Game
Take a deep dive into the world of maths by sorting objects by size.
Number Sense
Match Number Cards from 1 to 3 Game
Add more arrows to your child’s maths quiver by matching number cards from 1 to 3.
Identify the Expression Game
Unearth the wisdom of mathematics by learning how to identify the expression.
Represent Scenarios with More Game
Enter the madness of maths-multiverse by exploring how to represent scenarios with 'More'.
Find Shapes All Around Us Game
Ask your little one to find and identify the different shapes around us to play this game.
Data Handling
Complete the Data Game
Take the first step towards building your maths castle by practicing how to complete the data.
Identify the Taller object Game
Shine bright in the maths world by learning how to identify the taller object.
Number Sense
Identify Number Cards up to 3 Game
Ask your little one to identify number cards up to 3 to play this game.
Add Within 5 Game
Let your child see the world through maths-colored shades with our 'Add Within 5' games!
Represent Scenarios with Fewer Game
Enjoy the marvel of mathematics by exploring how to represent scenarios with 'Fewer'.
Match Triangles and Squares Game
Enter the madness of maths-multiverse by exploring how to match triangles and squares.