- Number Sense (114)
- Addition (167)
Add Three Whole Numbers
- 3-Digit Addition (30)
- 4-Digit Addition (60)
- Large Numbers Addition (63)
- Subtraction (187)
- Multiplication (559)
- Multiplication Strategies (48)
Multiplication With Equal Groups
Multiplication Sentences
Repeated Addition To Multiply
- Times Tables (157)
- Multiplication Properties (136)
Multiply By Multiples Of 10
Estimate Products
- Multi-Digit Multiplication (164)
- Division (329)
Divide On A Number Line
- Division Facts (134)
Division By 2
Division By 3
Division By 4
Division By 5
Division By 6
Division By 7
Division By 8
Division By 9
Division By 10
Estimate Quotients
- Long Division (72)
- Fractions (557)
Fractions Using Models
Fractions On A Number Line
- Compare Fractions (55)
- Order Fractions (20)
- Equivalent Fractions (70)
Improper Fractions As Mixed Numbers
Mixed Numbers As Improper Fractions
- Fractions Operations (299)
- Decimals (206)
- Read And Write Decimals (88)
- Compare Decimals (22)
Order Decimals
Round Decimals
Convert Decimals To Fractions
- Decimal Operations (44)
- Geometry (91)
- Measurement (112)
Conversion Of Measurement Units
- Time (2)
- Money (22)
- Algebra (99)
- Word Problems (263)
- Reading (160)
- Phonics (4)
- Reading Comprehension (157)
- Writing (382)
- Handwriting (268)
Creative Writing
Opinion Writing
Descriptive Writing
Narrative Writing
Writing Paragraphs
- Grammar (132)
Parts Of Speech
- Verbs (30)
Article A An The
- Spelling (13)
- Vocabulary (76)
All Resources
Identify the Authors Point, Evidence, and Reasoning Worksheet
Do you know the difference between reason and evidence? Can you find the author's point in this worksheet and provide the reasons as well? Let's get started with this worksheet!
Number Sense
Numbers That Rounds to 100 When Rounded to Nearest Hundred Worksheet
Identify and highlight numbers that round up or down to 100 in this engaging math worksheet.
Add 4-Digit and 3-Digit Numbers with Regrouping: Missing Numbers Worksheet
Combine math learning with adventure by solving to add 4-digit and 3-digit numbers with regrouping.
Add and Subtract 5-Digit and 4-Digit Numbers with Regrouping: Vertical Addition and Subtraction Worksheet
Add and subtract 5-digit and 4-digit numbers with regrouping to boost your math skills.
Multiplication Facts of 4 and 6 Worksheet
Help your child revise multiplication facts of 4 and 6.
Divide 4-digit Numbers by 1-digit Numbers: Cooking Word Problems Worksheet
Cooking-themed worksheet to practice dividing 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers through word problems.
Identify the Largest & Smallest Fraction Worksheet
Solidify your math skills by practicing to identify the largest & the smallest fraction.
Comparing Decimals Using Benchmark Worksheet
Put your skills to the test by comparing decimals using benchmarks.
Identify Prime and Composite Using Factors Worksheet
Boost your math skills with this worksheet on identifying prime and composite numbers using factors.
Spot the Authors Point and Evidence Worksheet
The point of the text in informational texts is the author’s position or stance on a topic. Can you find the author's point in this fun reading worksheet?
Add Two 4-Digit Numbers with Regrouping: Missing Digits Worksheet
Solidify your math skills by practicing to add two 4-digit numbers with regrouping.
Add and Subtract Two 5-Digit Numbers without Regrouping: Horizontal Addition and Subtraction Worksheet
Assess your math skills by adding and subtracting two 5-digit numbers without regrouping.
Multiplication Facts Worksheet
Use this printable worksheet to practice multiplication facts to strengthen your math skills.
Divide 3-digit Numbers by 1-digit Numbers: Winter Word Problems Worksheet
Winter-themed worksheet for solving word problems involving division of 3-digit by 1-digit numbers.
Compare Unlike Fractions Worksheet
Reinforce math concepts by practicing to compare unlike fractions.
Arranging Decimals Worksheet
Help your child revise decimals by solving to arrange them.
Prime Numbers Using Path Puzzle Worksheet
Boost your number skills with this worksheet on identifying prime numbers through engaging puzzles.
What Is The Author Thinking
Understand the author's reasoning and evidence with this printable ELA worksheet. Read and answer to understand better.
Add Two 4-Digit Numbers with Regrouping: Missing Numbers Worksheet
Dive into this printable worksheet by practicing to add two 4-digit numbers with regrouping.
Add and Subtract Two 5-Digit Numbers without Regrouping: Vertical Addition and Subtraction Worksheet
In this worksheet, learners will add and subtract two 5-digit numbers without regrouping.
Multiplication Facts of 7 and 9 Worksheet
Assess your math skills by practicing multiplication facts of 7 and 9 in this worksheet.
Divide 4-digit Numbers by 1-digit Numbers: Winter Word Problems Worksheet
Engaging winter-themed worksheet on dividing 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers through word problems.
Compare Fractions by Finding Common Denominator Worksheet
Become a mathematician by practicing to compare fractions by finding common denominator.
Order the Decimals Worksheet
Assess your math skills by ordering decimals in this worksheet.
Prime Numbers on Hundreds Chart Worksheet
Boost your understanding of prime and composite numbers with our engaging worksheet.
Color The Author's Purpose
Build understanding of the author's purpose with our printable ELA worksheet. Spot the author's purpose to reinforce comprehension.
Add Large Numbers without Regrouping: Vertical Timed Practice Worksheet
Boost your speed in adding large numbers without regrouping with this timed practice worksheet!
Add and Subtract Two 5-Digit Numbers with Regrouping: Horizontal Addition and Subtraction Worksheet
Put your skills to the test by practicing to add and subtract two 5-digit numbers with regrouping.
Recall Multiplication Facts Worksheet
Learners must recall multiplication facts to enhance their math skills.
Divide 3-digit Numbers by 1-digit Numbers: Easter Word Problems Worksheet
Easter-themed worksheet featuring word problems on dividing 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.
Find Common Denominator & Compare Unlike Fractions Worksheet
Make math practice a joyride by solving to find common denominator & compare unlike fractions.
Classify Sorted and Unsorted Number Sequences Worksheet
In this worksheet, learners will get to classify sorted and unsorted number sequences.
Identify the Number as Prime or Composite Worksheet
Boost your math skills with this worksheet on distinguishing prime and composite numbers.
Dive into Planetary Compare and Contrast Worksheet
Unlock the power of comparison and contrast with our engaging worksheet. Develop critical thinking abilities and enhance learning outcomes. Elevate your skills!
Add Large Numbers without Regrouping: Horizontal Timed Practice Worksheet
Fast-paced worksheet challenging students to accurately add large numbers without regrouping in the given time frame.
Subtract 3-Digit Numbers from 5-Digit Numbers without Regrouping: Horizontal Subtraction Worksheet
Practice math wizardry by subtracting 3-digit numbers from 5-digit numbers without regrouping.
Identify the Facts of 2 Worksheet
A worksheet focused on testing and reinforcing knowledge of multiplication facts of 2.
Divide 3-digit Numbers by 1-digit Numbers: Thanksgiving Word Problems Worksheet
Thanksgiving-themed worksheet for solving word problems on dividing 3-digit by 1-digit numbers.
Compare Fraction Products Worksheet
Make math practice a joyride by solving problems to compare fraction products.
Arranging Decimals in Ascending/Descending Order Worksheet
Help your child revise number sense by arranging decimals in ascending/descending order.
Compare and Contrast Characters Worksheet
Enhance compare and contrast skills with an engaging worksheet. Explore the similarities and differences and improve reading comprehension and critical thinking.
Add Large Numbers: Vertical Timed Practice Worksheet
Speed up your math skills with this worksheet designed for quick, vertical large number addition practice.
Subtract 4-Digit Numbers from 5-Digit Numbers without Regrouping: Horizontal Subtraction Worksheet
Kids must subtract 4-digit numbers from 5-digit numbers without regrouping.
Using Doubles to Find Facts of 2 Worksheet
Boost your math skills with this engaging worksheet on using doubles to find multiplication facts of 2!
Divide 4-digit Numbers by 1-digit Numbers: Thanksgiving Word Problems Worksheet
Thanksgiving themed worksheet to sharpen skills in dividing 4-digit by 1-digit numbers through word problems.
Add Unlike Fractions and Compare Worksheet
This worksheet provides exercises on adding fractions with different denominators and comparing the results.
Find the Greatest Decimal Worksheet
This worksheet is designed to help students apply place value concepts to identify the greatest decimal.
Comparing First and Third Person Perspectives Worksheet
Enhance critical thinking skills with our worksheet on comparing first and third person point of view. Analyze two passages written from different perspectives.