- Number Sense (161)
- Compare Numbers (28)
- Order Numbers (21)
- Skip Counting (32)
Even And Odd Numbers
Place Value
- Round Numbers (21)
- Addition (156)
Addition Properties
- Addition Strategies (29)
Add Three Whole Numbers
2-Digit Addition
- 3-Digit Addition (87)
- Subtraction (175)
- Multiplication (380)
- Multiplication Strategies (65)
Multiplication With Equal Groups
Multiplication With Arrays
Multiplication Sentences
Repeated Addition To Multiply
- Times Tables (173)
Multiplication By 2
Multiplication By 3
Multiplication By 4
Multiplication By 5
Multiplication By 6
Multiplication By 7
Multiplication By 8
Multiplication By 9
Multiplication By 10
- Multiplication Properties (84)
Multiply By Multiples Of 10
Estimate Products
- Multi-Digit Multiplication (8)
- Division (111)
- Fractions (111)
Fractions Using Models
Fractions On A Number Line
Compare Fractions
- Order Fractions (18)
- Equivalent Fractions (24)
Fractions Operations
- Geometry (28)
Data Handling
- Measurement (62)
- Time (42)
Time In Quarter Hours
Time To The Nearest 5 Minutes
Time To The Nearest Minute
Digital Clock
Elapsed Time
- Money (11)
- Algebra (10)
- Word Problems (172)
- Reading (150)
- Writing (320)
- Handwriting (259)
Creative Writing
Opinion Writing
Descriptive Writing
Writing Paragraphs
- Grammar (235)
- Nouns (72)
Parts Of Speech
- Verbs (54)
Article A An The
- Spelling (18)
- Vocabulary (91)
All Worksheets
Handwriting: Basic First Aid
Boost your child's writing skills with our fun worksheet focused on handwriting practice on the theme of basic first aid.
Fill in the Blanks with Who or Whom
Confused when to use who and whom? Boost your grammar skills with our engaging worksheet on relative pronouns!
Number Sense
Using the Place Value Chart Worksheet
Dive into this fun-filled printable worksheet by using the place value chart.
Add 10 to 3 Digit Numbers Using Addition Wheel Worksheet
Practice the skill of adding 10 to 3-digit numbers using an interactive addition wheel in this worksheet.
Add and Subtract Two 3-Digit Numbers without Regrouping: Horizontal Timed Practice Worksheet
Fast-paced, timed worksheet to master adding and subtracting 3-digit numbers without regrouping.
Use Facts of 3 to Color the Gifts
Color the gifts correctly by solving multiplication facts of 3 in this creative math worksheet.
Text Structures: Take a Guess Worksheet
Test your knowledge of literary structures with our engaging reading worksheet. Guess whether the given information represents a stanza, paragraph, chapter, or scene.
Handwriting: Legends Of The Sea
Improve your writing skills with our engaging printable handwriting practice worksheet and explore the legends of the sea.
Complete the Sentences with Who or Whom
Boost your grammar skills with our engaging relative pronouns worksheet and learn to use who and whom correctly!
Number Sense
Tens Place Within 10000 Worksheet
A worksheet designed to help students identify and mark numbers up to 10,000 that have 7 in the tens place.
Add 10 to 3 Digit Numbers Using Number Charts Worksheet
Enhance your skills in adding 10 to 3-digit numbers with this engaging worksheet using number charts.
Add and Subtract 3-Digit Numbers and Multiples of 100: Horizontal Addition and Subtraction Worksheet
Dive into this fun worksheet by practicing to add and subtract 3-digit numbers and multiples of 100.
Finding Path Using Facts of 3
Find your way through the maze by finding the path using multiplication facts of 3.
Is It A Stanza Or A Paragraph
Strengthen your understanding of text features with this engaging ELA worksheet, ideal for practice of stanza and paragraph identification.
Handwriting: Life In The Rainforest
Engage in handwriting practice with our enjoyable printable worksheet, writing sentences about life in the rainforest!
Fill in the Blanks: Pronouns and Their Antecedents
Boost your understanding of pronouns and antecedents with this engaging grammar practice worksheet!
Number Sense
Hundreds Place Within 10000 Worksheet
A worksheet designed to help students identify numbers within 10000 that have 8 in the hundreds place.
Add 100 and Find the Sum Worksheet
This worksheet provides exercises on adding 100 to three-digit numbers to strengthen addition skills.
Add and Subtract 3-Digit Numbers and Multiples of 100: Vertical Addition and Subtraction Worksheet
Use this printable worksheet to add and subtract 3-digit numbers and multiples of 100.
Identify the Number Closest to the Given Fact of 3
Identify the number closest to the given fact in this fun worksheet focused on recalling multiplication facts of 3.
Compare And Contrast A Stanza And A Paragraph
Learn text features with our engaging ELA worksheets, practice identifying stanzas and paragraphs in this printable.
Handwriting: Healthy Habits
Inspire your students with this printable worksheet to practice handwriting while learning about healthy habits.
Pronouns and Antecedent Agreement
Improve your grammar skills with our engaging practice worksheet on pronoun-antecedent agreement!
Number Sense
Thousands Place Within 10000 Worksheet
A worksheet that helps students identify and mark numbers within 10000 that have 9 in the thousands place.
Add 100 and Match the Sum Worksheet
This worksheet provides exercises on adding 100 to 3-digit numbers and matching them with their correct sums.
Subtract Multiples of 100 from 3-Digit Numbers: Horizontal Subtraction Worksheet
Assess your math skills by subtracting multiples of 100 from 3-digit numbers in this worksheet.
Identify the Facts of 4 Worksheet
A worksheet designed to test and reinforce your understanding and quick recall of multiplication facts of 4.
Stanza Or A Paragraph
Boost English skills with our reading worksheets, designed to help students identify stanzas and paragraphs.
Cursive Writing: Common Fruits Mistaken as Vegetables
Is a tomato a fruit? Explore common fruits mistaken as vegetables and practice cursive handwriting with our fun worksheet.
Pronoun It Identify The Pronouns And Their Antecedents
Encourage grammar practice with this engaging printable worksheet, mastering pronouns and their antecedents.
Number Sense
Ones Place Within 10000 Worksheet
Identify and mark all numbers within 10,000 that have 6 in the ones place in this engaging worksheet.
Add 100 to 3 Digit Numbers Using Addition Wheel Worksheet
Practice adding 100 to 3-digit numbers using an interactive addition wheel in this worksheet.
Subtract Multiples of 100 from 3-Digit Numbers: Vertical Subtraction Worksheet
Help your child subtract multiples of 100 from 3-digit numbers.
Recall and Identify the Facts of 4 Worksheet
A worksheet designed to test and reinforce students' knowledge and understanding of the multiplication facts of 4.
Compare And Contrast Stanza And A Paragraph
Augment your reading practice with our ELA worksheets, perfect for mastering stanzas and paragraphs.
Writing in Cursive: Letter A Animals
Dive into the animal kingdom with our exciting cursive handwriting worksheet, featuring Letter A animals.
Keeping Up The Pronoun Antecedent Agreement
Improve grammar skills with our printable worksheet, focusing on mastering pronoun-antecedent agreement practice.
Number Sense
Place Value of 4-digit Numbers Worksheet
Enhance understanding of the place value system with this 4-digit numbers worksheet.
Add 3 Digit and 1 Digit Numbers with Regrouping Ones and Tens: Horizontal Addition Worksheet
Master the art of regrouping ones and tens with this 3-digit, 1-digit addition worksheet.
Subtract Multiples of 100 from 3-Digit Numbers: Missing Digits Worksheet
Reinforce math concepts by practicing to subtract multiples of 100 from 3-digit numbers.
Facts of 4: Horizontal Multiplication Worksheet
Solidify your math skills by practicing the facts of 4.
Parts Of A Screenplay
Engage in reading and writing practice with our ELA worksheets, mastering the art of screenplay writing.
Writing in Cursive: Letter B Animals
Explore letter B animals with this engaging cursive printable for young learners, combining fun and learning.
Color by Word Worksheet
Identify and color in the "Sight Word Spectacular: Identify and Color Worksheet."
Number Sense
Writing 3-Digit Number on Place Value Chart in Different Ways Worksheet
Explore this worksheet on crafting 3-digit numbers on a place value chart in various forms.
Add 3 Digit and 1 Digit Numbers with Regrouping Ones and Tens: Missing Number Worksheet
A worksheet to practice adding 3-digit and 1-digit numbers by regrouping ones and tens and finding the missing number.
Subtract Multiples of 100 from 3-Digit Numbers: Missing Numbers Worksheet
This downloadable worksheet is designed to subtract multiples of 100 from 3-digit numbers.
Facts of 4: Horizontal Timed Practice Worksheet
Fast-paced worksheet to test your skills in multiplying by 4 with a 2-minute timer!