- Number Sense (78)
Number Sequence
- Compare Numbers (11)
Order Numbers
- Skip Counting (26)
- Place Value (24)
- Addition (219)
Add With Pictures
Addition Properties
- Addition Strategies (112)
- Compose And Decompose Numbers (58)
Add Using A Number Line
Count On To Add
Add With 10
Doubles And Near Doubles Addition Strategy
Make 10 Strategy
Add Three Whole Numbers
- 2-Digit Addition (41)
- Subtraction (87)
- Geometry (43)
Data Handling
- Measurement (12)
- Time (11)
- Money (28)
- Algebra (14)
- Word Problems (35)
- Reading (613)
All Games Games
Explore End Blends With LK and MP Game
Ignite a love for language in your child by exploring end blends with LK and MP.
Number Bonds of 7, 8, and 9 Game
Enjoy the marvel of maths-multiverse by exploring number bonds of 7, 8, and 9.
Identify the End Blend: hulk and frisk Game
Ignite a love for language in your child by identifying the end blend: hulk and frisk.
Make 10 in Different Ways Game
Ask your little one to make 10 in different ways to play this game.
Pick the Right Ending Sound: whisk and chest Game
Get familiar with reading by learning to pick the right ending sound: whisk and chest.
Number Bonds of 10 Game
Enter the madness of maths-multiverse by exploring number bonds of 10.
Make Words With the Ending Blend: tramp and silk Game
Kids must make words with the ending blend: tramp and silk.
Find the Missing Number in Addition Game
Have your own maths-themed party by learning how to find the missing number in addition.
End Blend and Its Name: LK, MP, SK & ST Game
Make learning fun by exploring end blends and its name: LK, MP, SK & ST.
Find the Missing Number in Addition Equation Game
Ask your little one to find the missing number in addition equations to play this game.
Begin Segmenting With bulk and limp Game
Practice english by learning to begin segmenting with bulk and limp.
Identify the Missing Number in Addition Game
Have your own maths-themed party by learning how to identify the missing number in addition.
Rearrange Sounds to Make Words: must and camp Game
Ask your child to rearrange sounds to make words: must and camp.
Identify the Missing Number in Addition Equation Game
Apply your knowledge of addition to identify the missing number in addition equations.
Sequence the Letters to Make Words: jump and rest Game
Make english easy by learning to sequence the letters to make words: jump and rest.
Composing Teen Numbers Game
Let your child see the world through maths-colored shades with our composing 'teen' numbers game!
Guess the Word: desk and milk Game
Kids must guess the word: desk and milk to develop their english skills!
Compose Ten and Ones to Make a Number Game
Use your addition skills to compose ten and ones to make a number.
Begin Blending With Consonant Blends NK and ND Game
Improve your language art skills by blending with consonant blends NK and ND.
Compose and Decompose to Make New Numbers Game
Sharpen your maths skills by learning to compose and decompose to make new numbers.
From Sounds to Words: pink and bond Game
With the help of this game learn to translate sounds to words: pink and bond.
Decompose Teen Numbers Game
Take the first step towards building your maths castle by practicing how to decompose teen numbers.
Guess the Word: silt and self Game
Kids must guess the word: silt and self to develop their english skills!
Use Place Value to Add Game
Take a look at how to use place value to add with this addition game.
Find Words Using Blending: blink and shelf Game
Kids will find words using blending: 'blink' and 'shelf' to develop their english skills!
Add Multiples of 10 to a 2-Digit Number Game
Use your addition skills to add multiples of 10 to a 2-digit number.
The Ultimate Consonant Blends Challenge: sand, sink and tilt Game
Have fun with the ultimate consonant blends challenge: sand, sink and tilt.
Determine the Missing Number in Addition Game
Help your child take flight by learning how to determine the missing number in addition.
Explore End Blends With LT and LF Game
Learn language art skills by exploring end blends with LT and LF.
Determine the Missing Number in Addition Sentence Game
Use your addition skills to determine the missing number in addition sentences.
Identify the End Blend: kilt and gulf Game
Kids will identify the end blend: 'kilt' and 'gulf' to develop their english skills!
Determine the Missing Number in Addition Equation Game
Ask your little one to determine the missing number in addition equations to play this game.
Pick the Right Ending Sound: pond and golf Game
Get familiar with reading by learning to pick the right ending sound: pond and golf.
What is the Missing Number in Addition Sentence Game
Use your addition skills to find the missing number in addition sentences.
Make Words With the Ending Blend: felt and honk Game
Kids must make words with the ending blend: felt and honk.
Subtract by Counting Backward Game
Enter the madness of maths-multiverse by exploring how to subtract by counting backwards.
End Blend and Its Name: LF, LT, ND & NK Game
Make learning fun by exploring end blends and its name: LF, LT, ND & NK.
Composing Numbers upto 50 Game
Shine bright in the maths world by composing numbers upto 50.
Begin Segmenting With trunk and mend Game
Practice english by learning to begin segmenting with trunk and mend.
Decomposing Numbers upto 50 Game
Help kids practice decomposing numbers upto 50 with this game.
Rearrange Sounds to Make Words: shelf and felt Game
Ask your child to rearrange sounds to make words: shelf and felt.
Compose and Decompose Tens to Make a Number Game
Dive deep into the world of maths by learning to compose and decompose tens to make a number.
Sequence the Letters to Make Words: belt and tank Game
Make english easy by learning to sequence the letters to make words: belt and tank.
Compose and Decompose Tens and Ones to Make a Number Game
Kids must compose and decompose tens and ones to make a number.
Guess the Word: think and tilt Game
Put your language skills to the test by guessing the word: think and tilt.
Add Numbers Game
Have your own maths-themed party by learning how to add numbers.
Begin Blending With Consonant Digraph CK Game
Learn language art skills by practicing how to begin blending with consonant digraph CK.
Subtract Numbers Game
Learn to solve maths problems by subtracting numbers.