- Number Sense (44)
- Addition (42)
- Subtraction (28)
- Multiplication (63)
Multiplication Strategies
- Times Tables (10)
- Multiplication Properties (6)
Multiply By Multiples Of 10
- Multi-Digit Multiplication (36)
- Division (81)
- Fractions (126)
Fractions Using Models
Fractions On A Number Line
Compare Fractions
- Equivalent Fractions (25)
Mixed Numbers As Improper Fractions
- Fractions Operations (60)
- Decimals (77)
- Read And Write Decimals (27)
Compare Decimals
Order Decimals
Round Decimals
Convert Decimals To Fractions
- Decimal Operations (8)
- Geometry (39)
- Measurement (61)
- Money (10)
- Algebra (25)
- Word Problems (24)
All Maths Games
Understand Area as Additive Game
Have your own maths-themed party by understanding areas as additives.
Find the Product of 3- and 1-Digit Numbers Game
Enjoy the marvel of mathematics by finding the product of 3-digit and 1-digit numbers.
Choose the Correct Missing Part of Division Equation Game
Use your division skills to choose the correct missing part of dIvision equations.
Color Parts to Show Tenths as Hundredths Game
Ask your little one to color parts to show tenths as hundredths to play this game.
Round Hundredths to the Nearest Whole Game
Sharpen your number skills by rounding hundredths to the nearest whole.
Add to Find the Area Game
Enter the madness of maths-multiverse by exploring how to add to find the area.
Multiply the 4- and 1-Digit Number Game
Dive deep into the world of multiplication by multiplying 4- and 1-digit numbers.
Divide by Numbers from 2 to 5 Game
Kids must divide by numbers from 2 to 5 to practice division.
Shade Parts to Show Hundredths as Tenths Game
Learn to solve maths problems by shading parts to show hundredths as tenths.
Round Thousandths to the Nearest Whole Game
Dive deep into the world of maths by rounding thousandths to the nearest whole.
Identify the Area of Composite Shapes Game
Enjoy the marvel of mathematics by learning to identify the area of composite shapes.
Complete the Solution by Multiplying by Hundreds and Thousands Game
Kids must complete the solution by multiplying by hundreds and thousands.
Divide By Numbers that Lie Between 6 to 9 Game
Practice dividing by numbers that lie between 6 to 9 through this game.
Generate Multiple Equivalent Fractions Game
Be on your way to become a mathematician by learning to generate multiple equivalent fractions.
Round Hundredths Using a Number Line Game
Shine bright in the maths world by learning how to round hundredths using a number line.
Estimate the Volume of a Given Shape Game
Kids estimate the volume of a given shape to practice their geometry skills.
Solve to Complete the Standard Multiplication Game
Use your maths skills to solve to complete the standard multiplication.
Find the Remainder Game
Dive deep into the world of division by finding the remainder.
Generate Equivalent Fractions using Number Line Game
Apply your knowledge of fractions to generate equivalent fractions using a number line.
Round Hundredths to the Nearest Tenth Game
Use your number skills to round hundredths to the nearest tenth.
Use the 3D Shapes to Estimate the Volume Game
Begin the exciting journey of becoming a maths wizard by using 3D shapes to estimate the volume.
Choose the Product for the Multiplication Questions Game
Use your maths skills to choose the product for multiplication questions.
Find the Quotient and the Remainder Game
Use your division skills to find the quotient and the remainder.
Convert the Fractions into Mixed Numbers Game
Help your child take flight by learning how to convert fractions into mixed numbers.
Round Thousandths to the Nearest Tenth Game
Learn to solve maths problems by rounding thousandths to the nearest tenth.
Find the Volume of the 3D Shape by Iterating Game
Be on your way to become a mathematician by learning to find the volume of 3D shapes by iterating.
Choose the Correct Product for the Multiplication Expressions Game
Kids must choose the correct product for the multiplication expressions.
Divide When Dividend is Between 2 to 5 Game
Use your division skills to divide when the dividend is between 2 to 5.
Complete the Mixed Number Game
Dive deep into the world of fractions by learning to complete mixed numbers.
Round Thousandths Using a Number Line Game
Take a deep dive into the world of maths by rounding thousandths using a number line.
Iterate and Find the Total Volume Game
Have your own maths-themed party by learning how to iterate and find the total volume.
Multiply 4-Digit Number by 1-Digit Number and Find the Missing Number Game
Kids must multiply 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers to find the missing number.
Complete the Division Solution Where Dividend is Between 6-9 Game
Kids must complete the division solution where the dividend is between 6 and 9.
Select the Mixed Number for the Given Fraction Game
Kids must select the mixed number for the given fraction.
Round to the Nearest Hundredth Game
Add more arrows to your child’s maths quiver by rounding to the nearest hundredth.
Find the Product and Complete the Solution Game
Shine bright in the maths world by learning to find the product to complete the given solution.
Fill in the Quotient Game
Kids must fill in the quotient to practice division.
Convert the Mixed Number into a Fraction Game
Enjoy the marvel of maths-multiverse by exploring how to convert mixed numbers into fractions.
Change Decimals from Word Form to Fraction Form Game
Have your own maths-themed party by learning how to change decimals from word form to fraction form.
Divide 3-digit Multiples of 10 and 100 Game
Divide 3-digit multiples of 10 and 100 to practice division.
Choose the Fraction Equivalent of the Mixed Number Game
Kids must choose the fraction equivalent of the given mixed number.
Choose the Decimal Fraction Represented by the Word Game
Use your maths skills to choose the decimal fraction represented by the given word.
Find the Quotient By Dividing 3-Digit Numbers by 1-Digit Numbers Game
Find the quotient by dividing 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.
Fill in to Complete the Equivalent Fractions Game
Make fraction practice easy by filling in to complete the equivalent fractions.
Convert Fractions to Decimals Numbers Game
Use your maths skills to convert fractions into decimals numbers.
Choose the Divisible Number Game
Practice the superpower of division by learning how to choose the correct divisible number.
Select the correct Equivalent Fraction for the Mixed Number Game
Children must select the correct equivalent fraction for the mixed number.
Change Decimal Numbers into Fractions Game
Add more arrows to your child’s maths quiver by learning to change decimal numbers into fractions.