- Number Sense (78)
Number Sequence
- Compare Numbers (11)
Order Numbers
- Skip Counting (26)
- Place Value (24)
- Addition (219)
Add With Pictures
Addition Properties
- Addition Strategies (112)
- Compose And Decompose Numbers (58)
Add Using A Number Line
Count On To Add
Add With 10
Doubles And Near Doubles Addition Strategy
Make 10 Strategy
Add Three Whole Numbers
- 2-Digit Addition (41)
- Subtraction (87)
- Geometry (43)
Data Handling
- Measurement (12)
- Time (11)
- Money (28)
- Algebra (14)
- Word Problems (35)
- Reading (613)
All Maths Games
Sort the Shapes by Attribute Game
Take the first step towards building your maths castle by learning to sort the shapes by attributes.
Arrange Coins by their Value Game
Unearth the wisdom of mathematics by learning how to arrange coins by their value.
Number Sense
Complete the Comparison Game
Apply your knowledge of number sense to complete the comparison.
Find the Correct Sum Game
Unearth the wisdom of mathematics by learning how to find the correct sum.
Subtract Teen Number Game
Dive deep into the world of maths by subtracting teen numbers.
Squares and Trapezoids Game
Take a look at squares and trapezoids with this geometry game.
Who has More Money? Game
Help your child take flight by solving for 'Who has More Money'?.
Number Sense
Compare Digit at Ones Place Game
Add more arrows to your child’s maths quiver by helping them compare digits at the ones place.
Represent 'Add To' Word Problems Game
Take a deep dive into the world of maths with our 'Represent 'Add To' Word Problems' game.
What is the Difference Game
Practice the superpower of subtraction by solving to find the difference.
Classify Squares and Trapezoids as Closed Shape Game
Have your own maths-themed party by learning how to classify squares and trapezoids as closed shapes.
Identify the Bigger Amount of Money Game
Learn to maths problems by identifying the bigger amount of money.
Represent 'Put Together' Word Problems Game
Unearth the wisdom of mathematics by learning how to represent 'Put Together' word problems.
Find the Correct Difference Game
Add more arrows to your child’s maths quiver by helping them find the correct difference.
Identify Cylinders and Spheres Game
Have your own maths-themed party by learning how to identify cylinders and spheres.
Number Sense
Put the Numbers in Order Game
Dive deep into the world of maths by putting the numbers in order.
Compare and Solve to Find the Unknown Game
Have your own maths-themed party by learning how to compare and solve to find the unknown.
Choose the Correct Difference Game
Unearth the wisdom of mathematics by learning how to choose the correct difference.
Identify Curved Surface Game
Use your geometry skills to identify curved surfaces.
Number Sense
Count up by 2s Game
Practice the superpower of counting by learning how to count up by 2s.
Add 1-Digit Numbers Game
Enjoy the marvel of mathematics by exploring how to add 1-digit numbers.
Select the Correct Difference Game
Learn to solve maths problems by selecting the correct difference.
Identify Shapes on the basis of Surfaces Game
Practice the superpower of geometry by learning to identify shapes on the basis of surfaces.
Number Sense
Skip Count by 2s on Hundreds Charts Game
Take a look at how to skip count by 2s on the hundreds charts with this game.
Add Two Numbers Game
Take a deep dive into the world of maths with our 'Add Two Numbers' game.
Identify the Correct Difference Game
Unearth the wisdom of mathematics by learning how to identify the correct difference.
Count the Faces Game
Have your own maths-themed party by learning to count the faces.
Number Sense
Skip Count by 2s Game
Enjoy the marvel of maths-multiverse by exploring how to skip count by 2s.
Solve the Addition Sentence Game
Enter the madness of maths-multiverse by exploring how to solve addition sentences.
Determine the Correct Difference Game
Add more arrows to your child’s maths quiver by helping them determine the correct difference.
Identify Shapes on the basis of Faces Game
Unearth the wisdom of mathematics by learning how to identify shapes on the basis of faces.
Addition Word Problems on Put-Together Scenarios Game
Use your skills to solve addition word problems on put-together scenarios.
Represent How Many More Scenarios Game
Shine bright in the maths world by learning how to represent "How Many More" scenarios.
Count the Vertices Game
Enjoy the marvel of mathematics by exploring how to count vertices.
Represent 'Add To' Situations Game
Dive deep into the world of addition with our 'Represent 'Add To' Situations' game.
Subtracting 10 from Teen Numbers Game
Enter the madness of maths-multiverse by exploring how to subtract 10 from teen numbers.
Identify Shapes on the basis of Vertices Game
Treat yourself to an immersive learning experience by identifying shapes on the basis of vertices.
Number Sense
Count Forward by 2s Game
Take a look at how to count forward by 2s with this game.
Represent 'Put Together' Situations Game
Add more arrows to your child’s maths quiver by representing 'Put Together' situations.
Solve Subtraction Problems Game
Let your child see the world through maths-colored shades by solving subtraction problems!
Match Objects with Shapes Game
Enter the madness of maths-multiverse by exploring how to match objects with shapes.
Number Sense
Find Facts of 2 Game
Take a deep dive into the world of maths by finding facts of 2.
Add Using Pictures Game
Begin the exciting journey of becoming a maths wizard by learning how to add using pictures.
Solve the Subtraction Sentence Game
Take a deep dive into the world of maths by solving subtraction sentences.
Shapes All Around Us Game
Take a look at the shapes all around us with this fun game.
Number Sense
Count Forward by 5s Game
Apply your counting skills to count forward by 5s.
Put Together and Match the Number Game
Kids must put together and match the number to practice addition.
Number Sense
Count by 5s on Hundreds Charts Game
Use your counting skills to count by 5s on the hundreds charts.