- Number Sense (17)
- Addition (8)
- Multiplication (32)
- Division (38)
- Fractions (73)
- Fractions Operations (68)
- Decimals (116)
- Read And Write Decimals (31)
Compare Decimals
Order Decimals
- Round Decimals (12)
Convert Decimals To Fractions
- Decimal Operations (40)
- Geometry (32)
- Measurement (24)
- Algebra (23)
- Word Problems (18)
All Maths Games
Divide Whole Number by Unit Fraction using Models Game
Apply your knowledge of fractions to divide whole numbers by unit fractions using models.
Round Thousandths Using a Number Line Game
Take a deep dive into the world of maths by rounding thousandths using a number line.
Simplify Division by Unit Fraction Game
Use your fraction skills to simplify division by unit fraction.
Round to the Nearest Hundredth Game
Add more arrows to your child’s maths quiver by rounding to the nearest hundredth.
Divide Whole Number by Unit Fraction Game
Practice the superpower of fractions by learning to divide whole numbers by unit fractions.
Guess the Number (Rounded to Thousandth) Game
Practice the superpower of decimals by guessing the correct number rounded to the thousandths.
Match by Finding the Quotient Game
Apply your knowledge of fractions to match by finding the quotient.
Write Decimals as Mixed Numbers Game
Dive deep into the world of decimals with our 'Write Decimals as Mixed Numbers' game.
Compare the Result of Scaling Game
Shine bright in the maths world by learning how to compare the result of scaling.
Fractions to Decimals (Denominator 10/100/1000) Game
Practice converting fractions with denominators 10, 100 and 1000 into decimals.
Fractions to Decimals (Convert Tenths) Game
Find the decimal equivalent up to tenths of the given fractions.
Fractions to Decimals (Convert Hundredths) Game
Apply your maths skills to find the decimal equivalent of the given fractions up to hundredths.
Fractions to Decimals (Convert Thousandths) Game
Convert the given fractions to their decimal equivalent up to the thousandth place.
Missing Numbers in Subtraction Statement Game
Enjoy the marvel of mathematics by finding the missing numbers in subtraction statements.
Add Tenths and Hundredths Using Models Game
Add more arrows to your child’s maths quiver by learning to add tenths and hundredths using models.
Add Decimals (Less than 1) Using Model Game
Enjoy the marvel of mathematics by exploring how to add decimals (less than 1) using models.
Add Decimals (Greater than 1) Using Model Game
Enjoy the marvel of maths-multiverse by exploring how to add decimals (greater than 1) using models.
Add Decimals without Regrouping Game
Enter the madness of maths-multiverse by exploring how to add decimals without regrouping.
Add Decimals with Regrouping Game
Enter the madness of maths-multiverse by exploring how to add decimals with regrouping.
Estimate the Sum Game
Use your decimal skills to estimate the sum.
Estimate the Difference Game
Kids must estimate the difference to practice decimals.
Subtract Decimals without Regrouping Game
Take a deep dive into the world of maths by subtracting decimals without regrouping.
Subtract Decimals with Regrouping Game
Dive deep into the world of maths by subtracting decimals by regrouping.
Complete the Subtraction Game
Apply your knowledge of decimals to complete the subtraction.
Understand Decimal point Placement by Multiplying Game
Enhance your maths skills by understanding decimal point placement by multiplying.
Fill Missing Numbers Using Decimal Point Patterns Game
Use your maths skills to fill the missing numbers using decimal point patterns.
Multiply Decimals Using Models Game
Begin the exciting journey of becoming a maths wizard by learning to multiply decimals using models.
Understand Decimal Point Using Multiplication Game
Shine bright in the maths world by understanding decimal points using multiplication.
Find the Product of Decimal Numbers Game
Learn to solve maths problems by finding the product of decimal numbers.
Multiply two Decimal Numbers Game
Let your child see the world through maths-colored shades by multiplying two decimal numbers!
Multiply the Decimal Numbers by a Power of 10 Game
Take a deep dive into the world of maths by multiplying decimal numbers by a power of 10.
Multiply by Power of 10 Game
Add more arrows to your child’s maths quiver by learning to multiply by the power of 10.
Complete the Decimal Multiplication Pattern Game
Shine bright in the maths world by learning how to complete the decimal multiplication pattern.
Use Model to Multiply Decimal and Whole Numbers Game
Children must use models to multiply decimals and whole numbers.
Multiply Decimal and Whole Numbers Game
Unearth the wisdom of mathematics by learning how to multiply decimals and whole numbers.
Find the Product of Decimal and Whole Number Game
Enjoy the marvel of maths-multiverse by finding the product of decimals and whole numbers.
Solve Word Problems on Decimal Multiplication Game
Kids must solve word problems on decimal multiplication to practice decimals.
Understand Decimal Point Using Division Game
Help your kids understand decimal points using division by playing this game.
Divide Decimals by Decimals using Model Game
Enjoy the marvel of mathematics by learning to divide decimals by decimals using models.
Understand Placement of the Decimal Point Game
Enjoy the marvel of mathematics by understanding placement of the decimal point.
Divide by Tenths Game
Apply your knowledge of decimals to divide by tenths.
Divide by Tenths and Hundredths Game
Shine bright in the maths world by learning how to divide by tenths and hundredths.
Word Problems on Dividing Decimals by Decimals Game
Enjoy the marvel of maths-multiverse by solving word problems on dividing decimals by decimals.
Divide the Decimal by Power of 10 Game
Have your own maths-themed party by learning to divide decimals by power of 10.
Perform Division With Powers of 10 as Divisors Game
Kids must perform division with powers of 10 as divisors to practice decimals.
Complete Division Patterns of Decimal Numbers Game
Unearth the wisdom of mathematics by learning how to complete division patterns of decimal numbers.
Divide Decimal by Whole Numbers Using Models Game
Use your maths skills to divide decimals by whole numbers using models.
Fill Missing Numbers in Long Division of Decimals Game
Filll the missing numbers in the long division of decimals and make maths practice fun.